Tara Jensen

Pandemic Exacerbates Existing Economic Inequalities In Montana

Yellowstone Public Radio The coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated poverty and economic inequality in Montana. Several Bozeman residents recently shared their struggles in trying to meet basic needs...

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Native American tribes have been hit harder by COVID-19. Here's why.

Great Falls Tribune COVID-19 has ravaged minority communities worldwide, and Native American tribes in Montana have been no exception. Though tribes implemented stricter safety protocols than the...

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New Montana KIDS COUNT Logo

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Lifting Voices: Lesson Plans A panel discussion about parenting, working, and preparing for back-to-school during a pandemic.

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Virtual event to educate and inspire advocacy in Indian Country

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Major Increase in Montana's Child Uninsurance Rate

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Virus fight: Risk becomes real for some Blackfeet

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Data: Policy experts, politicians divided on 2017 Republican tax law

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Request for Proposals: Contract Lobbying for 2021 Legislative Session

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Governor says final budget has $251M ending fund balance

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New report details taxation in Indian Country

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Kalispell residents speak out about rental costs

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Montana Budget & Policy Center

Shaping policy for a stronger Montana.

MBPC is a nonprofit organization focused on providing credible and timely research and analysis on budget, tax, and economic issues that impact low- and moderate-income Montana families.